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Amazon App Gratis: Toca Lab

Toca Lab

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Ecco i dettagli:

Toca Lab

Oggi l'app in offerta è:

Toca Lab
Calling all future scientists!

Welcome to Toca Lab! Explore the colorful and electrifying world of science and meet all 118 of the elements from the periodic table.

Discover elements by experimenting with the lab tools!

* Take your element for a spin in the centrifuge.
* Warm them up in the Bunsen burner.
* Put the element on ice with the cooling agent!
* Add a drop or two of mysterious liquids from the test tubes.
* Change their voltage and make them magnetic with the oscilloscope.

Each element has it's own personality. In Toca Lab, what does Neon sound like? Is Gold heavy or light? Is Nitrogen squishy or hard? Explore, inspect, and study each one and let us know! Can you find all 118?

The time has come, future scientists, to head into the lab to explore and discover. Put on your lab coat and protective eye gear because things are about to get experimental!

Toca Lab is a place for playing and having fun, and with it we hope to inspire kids to explore science. While the periodic table in Toca Lab is accurate, the way new elements are created is not. Instead, it’s a fun way to experiment, discover and create curiosity in the world of science. Toca Lab is just a starting point for further exploration!

About Toca Boca
Toca Boca is a game studio that makes digital toys for kids. We think playing and having fun is the best way to learn about the world. Therefore we make digital toys and games that help stimulate the imagination, and that you can play together with your kids. Best of all - we do it in a safe way without third-party advertising or in-app purchases.

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Come funziona:

Un'app solitamente a pagamento, gratis per te ogni giorno

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