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Amazon App Gratis: Bardbarian - Golden Lute Edition

Bardbarian - Golden Lute Edition

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Ecco i dettagli:

Bardbarian - Golden Lute Edition

Oggi l'app in offerta è:

Bardbarian - Golden Lute Edition
Touch Arcade (5/5) & Game of the week - "The game is just amazingly fun to play“
CapsuleComputers (8.5/10) - “The most addictive mobile title I’ve reviewed in a very long time.”

You play as Brad the barbarian, who is awoken to the sounds of his town under siege. Today is different though. Brad has grown tired of fighting all the time. The usual grind for XP has grown dull, and he has decided to pursue his dreams of making music instead of shedding blood. Fashioning a lute out of an old axe, he steps out to save his town through musical inspiration.

Use your magical Axe-Lute to summon followers to fight for you. Navigate your party through the hordes of enemies, dodging and attacking, preventing them from destroying your town's prized decorative crystal. Survive waves to progress, collect loot, and unlock new units.

Upon death you are able to visit the town shop in order to upgrade Brad, the town and your followers, in hopes to make it further next time. Finished story mode? Play Endless and Survival modes for some fun, fast and competitive gameplay variety, set your best scores and challenge your friends!

*** More Reviews ***
Pocket Gamer UK (8/10) - “An intriguing mix of genres that gel together brilliantly, Bardbarian is a breath of fresh air.”

Arcade Sushi (9/10) - “Many options for upgrades and customization, a rocking soundtrack, fun character designs and addictive gameplay.”

148Apps (8/10) - “Combining many popular genres pays off for this original and fast-paced game.”

AppStore Review (Cameron) - “This and Kingdom Rush are my two favorite games ever!”

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Un'app solitamente a pagamento, gratis per te ogni giorno

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