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Amazon App Gratis: PDF Max - The PDF Expert for Android

PDF Max - The PDF Expert for Android
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Ecco i dettagli:

PDF Max - The PDF Expert for Android

Oggi l'app in offerta è:

PDF Max - The PDF Expert for Android
PDF Max is the 5-star rated, full-featured PDF reader used by millions of iPhone/iPad users world-wide and now available for your Kindle. It was designed for those people who’re looking for a full-featured, touch-based optimization & professional PDF application that provides all features you need for an everyday PDF app in one place so that you do not need to spend extra money for other apps.

PDF Max features include:


TEXT REFLOW: PDF Max includes an Amazing Text Reflow feature that helps you read your PDF easily with any kind of PDF. Forget the tedious pan & zoom steps, you now just enjoy reading your documents.

TEXT TO SPEECH: Don't keep your eyes on the screen all the time, Let the superb TTS feature in PDF Max does the work: It read PDF documents for you.

FAST RENDERING: PDF Max equips a super-fast rendering engine worked smoothly on all Android Phones/Tablets with Android 2.2 or newer.

FAST SCROLLING: PDF Max is the best PDF app that allows continuous vertical scroll through an entire document. You can also set the option to view one page at a time, it's your choice.

SMART ZOOM: Double-tap on text blocks and PDF Max will zoom the touched text block to fit the screen. Simple & efficient reading.

UI & NAVIGATE: The Navigation Panel lets you interact with your documents by thumbnails, bookmarks, annotations, PDF outline, Search or other common actions.

LARGE PDFs: PDF Max opens large PDFs easily without any problem. The maximum file size is only depending on the file size supported by the device itself.


Highly advanced form-filling features that support complex form field validations & calculations are on hand within the app to help users handle filling out many different documents such as AcroForm & Static XFA forms among others.


PDF Max lets you insert text into your PDF by creating FreeTexts (a.k.a TypeWriter).

Use your finger or a stylus to take handwritten notes or highlight text in books, whether normal PDF or scanned. Eraser is of course also included to help you correct and refine your handwriting.

Mark important things in books, journals or documents using Highlight, Underline, Cross-out and Squiggly tools.

Add comments anywhere in the document. PDF Max even supports thread-conversations to help you collaborate with others like never before.

Draw, position and resize a multitude of shapes, including Rectangles, Lines, Ovals, Polylines, and Polygons with intelligent snapping.

You can reorder pages, insert blank pages and even delete PDF pages. PDF Max also supports manage PDF Bookmarks.

Manage your own PDF library or all your PDFs on your devices easily with an intuitive File Management Interface. Dropbox is supported, more storages will be supported in the next updates.

We can't bring more and better features without your help, so please rate us five stars to encourage faster updates!

Follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/mbr.pdfmax for supports and updates, and feel free to email us at support@mobeera.com for any inquiry. Now, Let's go annotate!
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