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Ecco i dettagli:
Oggi l'app in offerta è:
NetChange&TimeAdjust SW
• Summary
Because this application implements that it changes plural network by 1 application, You can establish widget which can carry out plural network changes in few home occupation space. There is the option which changes other networks at the same time when it changes a network.
In addition, It includes a time correction function too. There are a method to correct when a button was pushed and a method to correct automatically.
• Regular version and Trial version
Regular version is charged, but it is eternity and can use all functions. Trial version can use all functions free, but period of use is limited for seven days. When period of use for seven days is not enough, you can use it more for seven days by uninstalling and reinstalling it.
• Kind of the switch
The kinds of the switch which this application provides are as follows.
• ON,OFF change of Mobile network
• ON,OFF change of Wi-Fi
• ON,OFF change of Bluetooth
• ON,OFF change of Wi-Fi AP
• ON,OFF change of Airplane mode
• Execute of time correction
The option which changes other networks at the same time when it changes a network has the following.
* Wi-Fi AP between ON
• change of APN
* At Wi-Fi AP OFF
• change of Mobile network
• change of Wi-Fi
• change of Bluetooth
• change of APN
* At Airplane mode OFF
• change of Mobile network
• change of Wi-Fi
• change of Bluetooth
• change of APN
! Even if this option is changed other than this application, it functions.
• About change of APN(Access Point Names)
When Wi-Fi AP is ON, the general model cannot do a change of APN, but specific model can change APN.
• About time correction
Android is provided with a function to revise the time automatically, but the terminal where the time is not right seems to exist without an automatic correction being carried out appropriately. (Typically in the case of Wi-Fi use.) In addition, it is not admitted that application corrects the time. In this case only means to correct by manual labor in system setting to repair the time is possible. This application adjust the time by running automatic date & time of the system forcibly without correcting the time directly. (without root)
! If you use this function, please turn on automatic data & time in the system setting.
• About log to adjust the time
This application records result of the NTP inquiry, and adjusting the time (including the thing that non-this application became the trigger) by the system. Up to 1,000 cases are recordable. If the number of log is beyond 1,000 cases, the application erases from old log in turn.
• notice
Because all functions are not usable by model or versions of Android, please confirm that application works in Trial version.
By program errors, a network change may not function normally. As a result, an unnecessary packet fee may be demanded. Even if the direct or indirect damage occurs using this application, we will not bear the responsibility. Please use it at your own risk.
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