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Amazon App Gratis: Universal Breathing - Pranayama

Universal Breathing - Pranayama

Un'applicazione gratis ogni giorno grazie ad Amazon!
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Ecco i dettagli:

Universal Breathing - Pranayama

Oggi l'app in offerta è:

Universal Breathing - Pranayama
Stressed? Balance your life and experience a relaxed meditative state to relieve your daily stresses and tensions. Pranayama's simple and intuitive guide to deep breathing features a progressive course based on the principles of yoga, to help you find balance and stress relief.

Combining the power of breath with technology, Pranayama is an easy way of improving your health and reducing stress. Using music and animated visuals to guide you to slower deeper breathing, Pranayama by Saagara enhances the way you feel and leaves you with more energy, stamina, and focus.


Even practicing slow breathing for only 15 minutes a day can reduce stress and stress-related illnesses. Pranayama has been used by people for the following potential health benefits to help with:
1) Migraines
2) High Blood Pressure
3) Depression
5) Asthma
6) Improves overall stamina and fitness

* * * * UNIQUE FEATURES * * * *

Practicing slow breathing is not as easy as it seems. Pranayama guides you with the following features:
- It does counting for you so that you can focus on awareness and technique.
- Choose from 5 different Music styles to guide and condition your breathing
- A structured course that gradually reduces your breathing rate as you progress through the sessions.
- Each music style has it own individualized background music to transport you to a more relaxing place as you practice.

Our animated graphics give you a way to visualize your breathing. You have the dial animation, which shows you the relative length of each breathing phase, and the human animation, which shows you the physical aspects of proper breathing techniques.

Want to know how your organs work during breathing? Just slide the opacity button to get an insider’ s look at the body. With Pranayama by Saagara, better health is at your fingertips.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA

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